Drive America’s Highways for 24 miles north along Arkansas Scenic Highway 7 from River Road Recreational Area at Lake Nimrod to Russellville in Pope County, Arkansas
We begin the video turning back on to Arkansas Highway 7 from the service road to Lake Nimrod. Shortly after, we cross the intersection with Arkansas Highway 60. Continuing north, we pass through the town of Ola ( Speed Trap ). Running concurrently with AR-28 and briefly with AR-10, the route takes us out of Ola and into the town of Dardanelle, where we turn east and cross the Arkansas River into Russellville.
NOTE: For some reason, YouTube has destroyed this video. Some parts are very pixelated here, but not on the master video. Stay tuned for a re-encoded and re-uploaded version of this video.
RT @interstate_411: Drive #scenic AR-7 to #Russellville from #Nimrod. Arkansas Highway 7 … –
#traveltuesday #dri…
#ICYMI Arkansas Highway 7 – Lake #Nimrod – #Russellville – Interstate 411…