🚙 Drive America's Highways for 74 miles along Interstate 24 from mile 81 to 7 in Kentucky 🏇 The video starts as we merge onto Interstate 24 from the Pennyrile Parkway just south of Hopkinsvile. During the hour or so drive, we pass the interchange for US-68 and Cadiz,...
Interstate 411 🇺🇸
Interstate 24 – Mile 93 to Mile 81 – Kentucky
Drive America’s Highways for 12 miles along Interstate 24 from mile 93 at the Tennessee state line to mile 81 in Kentucky
Interstate 24 – Mile 0 to Mile 48 – Kentucky
Drive America’s Highways for 48 miles along Interstate XX from mile 0 to mile 48 in Kentucky
Interstate 24 – Mile 42 to Mile 65 – Kentucky
Drive America’s Highways for 24 miles along Interstate 24 from mile 42 to mile 65 in Kentucky
Interstate 24 – Cadiz to Tennessee – Kentucky
Drive America’s Highways for 28 miles along Interstate 24 from exit 65 near Cadiz to Tennessee.
Interstate 40 – Jackson to Nashville – Tennessee
Drive America’s Highways for 132 miles along Interstate 40 from Jackson to Nashville, Tennessee
Interstate 69 – Mile 68 to Mile 79 – Kentucky
Drive America’s Highways for 11 miles along Interstate 69 from Interstate 24 to Kentucky Highway 91 in Princeton, Kentucky
U.S. Highway 64 – Morrilton to Conway – Arkansas
Drive America’s Highways for 21 miles east along U.S. Highway 64 from Morrilton to Conway in Arkansas
Arkansas Highway 7 – Arkansas Aveneue in Russellville
Drive America’s Highways for 3.5 miles north along Arkansas Highway 7 – Arkansas Avenue in Russellville, Arkansas.
U.S. Highway 64 – Russellville – Morrilton – Arkansas
Arkansas Highway 7 – Lake Nimrod to Russellville
Drive America’s Highways for 24 miles north along Arkansas Scenic Highway 7 from River Road Recreational Area at Lake Nimrod to Russellville in Pope County, Arkansas
Arkansas Highway 7 – Iron Springs Park to Lake Nimrod
Drive America’s Highways for 21 miles north along Arkansas Scenic Highway 7 from Iron Springs Park to Lake Nimrod in Arkansas.