Mississippi Highway 315: Oxford to Sardis

🚙 Drive America’s Highways for 15 miles north along Mississippi Highway 315 from Oxford to Sardis.🛣️

The segment of Mississippi Highway 315 from Oxford to Sardis begins at the intersection with U.S. Route 278, west of Oxford. Travelling generally north as an unsigned, 2-lane rural highway, the road makes its way to Sardis Dam, where it intersects MS-35 and MS-315 Scenic.

MS-315 travels along the lower, western side of the dam, whereas MS-315 Scenic stays on top of the dam. The two segments meet up at the end of the dam.

Now on the north side of the dam, the road turns west to leave the recreation area and heads toward Sardis. Entering Sardis, the highway meets Interstate 55 at a standard interchange before continuing into town as a 4-lane arterial road. The segment of MS-315 from Oxford to Sardis ends at the intersection with U.S. Route 61 on the west side of town.

🎵 Music: https://interstate411.us/music/ms315-oxford-sardis.txt

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